10-15 July 2022 • Denver, Colorado, USA


10-15 July 2022 • Denver, Colorado, USA

Virtual Presentation

Design of a 2D MIMO RADAR Antenna for 77 GHz Automotive Application

Jogesh Chandra Dash, Debdeep Sarkar, Indian Institute of Science, India; Yahia Antar, Royal Military College of Canada, Canada

Advances in Automotive Antennas

AP-S: Antenna Applications & Emerging Technologies

Mineral Hall A (HR)

Presentation Time:
Tue, 12 Jul, 16:00 - 16:20 Denver Time (UTC -6)

Session Chair:
Shambhu Nath Jha, THALES Belgium
Session TU-A5.1P
TU-A5.1P.1: Low-Profile Passive Reflector for Radar Detection of Road Markings
Tanner Douglas, Kamal Sarabandi, University of Michigan, United States
TU-A5.1P.2: Study of the Bumper Thickness and its Placement for Automotive Radar Applications
Nancy Modi, Mahesh Kumar Busineni, Jogesh Chandra Dash, Jayanta Mukherjee, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, India
TU-A5.1P.3: On the Smallness of Small Antennas
Shambhu Nath Jha, Guido Torrese, THALES Belgium, Belgium; Jean-Yves Bernier, Thales Six GTS France, France
TU-A5.1P.4: Vehicle-Mounted Antenna with Full-Duplex and Beamforming Capabilities
Kenneth E. Kolodziej, Pierre Dufilie, David Bragdon, William F. Moulder, Bradley T. Perry, MIT Lincoln Laboratory, United States
TU-A5.1P.5: Design of a Circular Dielectric Resonator Antenna for Vehicle-to-Everything Communication
Benedict Sanders, Ismail Ben Mabrouk, Durham University, United Kingdom; Amjad Iqbal, Tayeb Denidni, INRS, United Kingdom
TU-A5.1P.6: Comparison of NF and FF Automotive Antenna Measurement in DSRC and C-V2X Applications
Rezvan Alavi, Ahmed Harb, Daniel Aloi, Oakland University, Canada
TU-A5.1P.7: PDMS Based Compact Antenna for 2.45 GHz Application having Wide Band Harmonic Suppresion
Wahaj Abbas Awan, Deaprtment of Information and Communication Engineering, Chungbuk National University, Cheongju, Korea, Korea (South); Adnan Ghaffar, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand, New Zealand; Syeda Iffat Naqvi, Telecommunication Engnieering Department, University of Engnieering and Technology, Taxila, Pakistan, Pakistan
TU-A5.1P.8: Design of a 2D MIMO RADAR Antenna for 77 GHz Automotive Application
Jogesh Chandra Dash, Debdeep Sarkar, Indian Institute of Science, India; Yahia Antar, Royal Military College of Canada, Canada
TU-A5.1P.9: Printed Circular Antenna Arrays for Direction Finding Applications
Peizhuo Yang, Harbin Institute of Technology at Weihai, China; Yichen Zhao, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, China; Md Rasheduzzaman Al-Amin, Mohammad S. Sharawi, Polytechnique Montreal, Canada
No resources available.